Monday 13 July 2009

Long Elms receives Planning Consent

Client: Network Housing Group

The Long Elms scheme comprises of 2 semi detached family homes; a 4 bed 8 person and a 3 bed 6 person wheelchair home both with front and rear gardens.

The design is based on the detailed analysis of the site, the neighbouring properties, scale, massing and character. It will provide high quality, contemporary design with strong connection to the local character.

The proposed family homes provide comfortable accommodation on two levels. The separating party wall between the houses is designed as a “living wall”, a feature developed by PCKO in the design of the recently completed, award winning development in Newhall, Harlow. The principle is to locate the storage spaces, kitchen units, bathrooms etc along one wall. This not only improves the sound performance of the party wall but also provides a flexible zone for locating all vertical and horizontal services for the building. It also provides flexibility for incorporating future changes and future technology; like water storage, grey water recycling, a central vacuum system, ventilation systems etc.

The design will accommodate all mandatory criteria to achieve minimum Code Level 3 for Sustainable Homes. It is envisaged that Code Level 3 will be achieved through energy efficiency criteria, solar panels, water use, provision for refuse and recycling, construction waste management, LifeTime Homes compliance and relevant issues relating to pollution, responsible sourcing of materials, health & well being and management.

For further information contact Andrew or Tom

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