Monday 13 July 2009

PCKO joins London to Southend bike ride for British Heart Foundation

"Starting in East London, we're soon out of town and after stops along the way for lunch and tea, we reach the finish in the pretty gardens of Priory Park, Southend where we can relax and enjoy refreshments, music and sports massages before making our way home."

The London to Southend charity cycle ride is on Sunday 19 July 2009. The ride is 59 miles through the quiet lanes and villages of south Essex.

The event attracts over 3500 riders from all over and is the biggest bike ride event in the BHF’s events calendar raising a staggering £140,000 each year.

For more information or if you'd like to join us please use the links below:

British Heart Foundation
Bike Events Online

To sponsor us or for training tips please contact Marianne

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