Monday, 20 July 2009


PCKO on Zero Carbon Hub tour reviewing Europe’s emerging standard for energy efficient construction

Paul Webb of PCKO joined Zero Carbon Hub, Design for Homes and other delegates representing the DCLG, NHBC, Energy Saving Trust and members from the house building industry on a two day tour of Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Reidberg to examine the Passivhaus standard of construction, and learn lessons for the delivery of energy efficient housing in the UK. The tour included a brief explanation of the concept at the Passivhaus Institute and visits to urban apartment developments, suburban family housing and offices, all constructed to the Passivhaus standard.

The event clearly demonstrated the benefits of achieving very high standards of energy efficiency. It highlighted the issues that will need to be addressed in achieving the necessary construction standards for zero carbon housing in 2016, the adoption of appropriate M&E to support this standard without overwhelming building occupants (and those responsible for maintaining it) and the dovetailing of new standards into the increasing volume of new regulation already facing the UK house builder.

Lessons learnt from the trip build upon PCKO’s expertise in sustainable design and as licensed Code for Sustainable Home Assessors, already has practical application in some of our new designs for housing to achieve Code Level 4 and above.


Passive House Institute
Zero Carbon Hub
Design for Homes

For further information contact Paul

Spinney Gardens

Example of Passive Solar Design Feature at PCKO's award winning scheme, Spinney Gardens

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