Monday 13 July 2009

Phase 2 Llys Glas offices and Arts Centre now in occupation

Artists moving in and offices taken over by Swansea Citizens Advice Bureau

Client: Grwp Gwalia Cyf

Swansea Arts Quarter - Regeneration Project

Llys Glas

The proposed redevelopment plans for the former Swansea Police Station Building form an integral part of the overall master plan vision for the regeneration of the entire block to create Swansea Arts Quarter.

The second phase of this mixed use scheme includes an Arts Centre on the ground floor of the building including function rooms, restaurant, Arts Centre workshops and offices. The floors above comprise of student accommodation (78 units with associated facilities) as part of the completed Phase 1 refurbishment.

The main concept of the master plan is based on the principles of coexistence of the existing historic buildings and new building fabric associated with the new life and functions introduced to the area. The existing Police Station buildings will be refurbished to retain the historic character of the original fabric and key architectural details and spaces.

Outbuildings of poor quality and not in keeping with the quality and character of the main buildings were be removed to provide an opportunity for development of the courtyard area. The creation of new pedestrian routes increasing the permeability of the block introduces new life and vibrancy into the heart of the scheme.

For further information contact Andrew or Paul

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